Study in India vs Study Abroad


Studying abroad seems like a big hassle to everybody. Most of us think that only the rich have the ability to go abroad for education. Rest of the masses believe that it is necessary to have somebody already living in some country abroad in order to be able to go there and study. This misconception keeps the rest of us whirling around in the same old fish-bowl of set criteria and beliefs.

However, it is time we break this misconception. Studying abroad is an open field, where anyone from all over India can apply and find a way to secure good quality education to build a sustainable career.

The obvious question that pops up is; why do I need to go abroad? Our own universities and establishments are not bad at all, right? Wrong. To begin with, the education system in India is kind-of outdated. In a recent study, it was found that no student passes college as a skilled-labour. Perhaps you do not understand the full impact of this but the impact is quite damaging. By the time we all pass high school, we reach legal age and yet move around cluelessly. Most of us do not know what our aptitude is.

Still Want To Know Why Study Abroad?

Before we get to that, let us have a look at who goes abroad:

  • Those who go to study and then return. They would prefer a good university that not only offers good education but also a practical skill set.
  • Want to study, work a couple of years and then return. They will look for longer courses in reputed universities, which will allow them to work for a few years.
  • Settle there permanently. Universities do not matter as long as they are in a country with relaxed immigration rules.

In the above list, apart from the last category of immigrants, the top two will look for a reputed university; a world-renowned university that has its own validity world-over.

A quick fact here- NONE of our institutions make it to the top 200 universities in the world, despite India having the third largest education system in the world. Not even one of your IIMs and IITs. The unreserved seats are more competitive than the top 20 universities of the world.

We are made to think that gaining an admission in a prestigious college is like climbing Mount Everest but, then, not all countries have the reservation policy, or limited number of seats or competition. The cost of seats under the management quota for professional colleges is unregulated; it requires huge sums of undisclosed cash. And, if you can do a little maths here, then the cost of studying at the most prestigious college in India is, sometimes, more than the cost of studying in a college that is among the top 200 of the world.

Isn’t it time to give yourself the opportunity to go abroad and have some fun with all the hard work?

Why Study Abroad?

Here are some top logical reasons that will explain why studying abroad could change your life for the better:

  • The Ranking: Let’s face it. Indian universities and colleges have not appeared at the top of global rankings. Our education system is not as dynamic and skill-oriented as those abroad.
  • The Opportunities: Studying abroad is a blessing that shapes not only your career but also your personality. Studying Abroad will make you an independent and confident individual. You will learn to navigate the challenges of life early on.
  • Flexibility: You not only have accelerated courses but the options of “dual major”, “minor” and “free electives”. This will allow you to study in more than one subject.
  • Focus on skill building: Education system abroad is more focused on developing practical skills of a student and making him job ready, unlike India where the focus is purely on theoretical knowledge.
  • The Exposure: The opportunity of living and studying abroad offers the kind of exposure, which a student can never get in India. The cultural diversity, advanced technology, government facilities and quality of life is far superior.
  • Social Benefits: Unlike the Indian government, the governments of developed countries provide a lot of social benefits to students like free healthcare, free libraries, student discounts on travel, restaurants, shopping etc.
  • Travel the World: Travelling Abroad for a holiday from India always looks like an expensive affair, but when you are living abroad and earning in a foreign currency, making holiday plans to exotic locations will be a lot easier. Not to mention countries like the UK, US, Australia etc are portals to get easy access to some of the most exciting travel destinations.
  • They want Indians: India is not only a good student bank but a potential hub of innovators. Many universities are looking for program partnerships with universities here. Many of the countries are looking to invite Indian blood directly on their soil. Why wait?

From the past decade, the number of Indian students going abroad has increased tremendously. According to recent statistics the growth has increased by 256%, to be specific.

A lot of students, who are looking for education in their immigration plans, understand the diversity available in the global market. Perhaps the biggest benefit of studying abroad is that you are really on your own and nobody is going to look down on you even if you are working in a McDonald's outlet to earn your own money.

We, sincerely, hope that your interest is piqued in curiosity. Talk to our Expert overseas education counsellors who will help you throughout the process and make the right choices when you decide to Study Abroad. Study Smart believes if you choose better, you will do better! Contact Us for more information.

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